And Still counting

My Every Word

Friday, April 10, 2009

High Fives are Free

I used to be an avid High Five Giver. In fact, that's how I met a lot of people. Normally I would be sitting with some friends and I would always keep my chair the closest to the crowd. Why?-Do you ask?-Well, because if I saw someone who was having a bad night, didn't look like they were having fun, or I just felt like high fiving, I would. I stick my hand out in the middle of the crowd, raise my voice, and say "High Fives are Free!"

I don't believe that I have ever received a negative reaction. People love giving high fives, and it's even better coming from a complete stranger. It makes you feel good, cool, and Ninja proof. Ok not Ninja proof, but pretty close.

The high five is considered a form of communication between 2 or more people. The high five displays a form of celebration or greeting. Most joyous occasions have high fives involved. It's a positive outlook on a situation. A physical display of joy, and an overall way to look cool with your friends.

So grab a girl, grab a guy...hell grab a bum for all I care and give a High Five out today. It will make you feel good, and make you look cool all at the same time. Just make sure you let the receiver of your high five know, that "High Fives Are Free!"

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