And Still counting

My Every Word

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Taco bell sauce

I heart the little sayings on these packets. They are quite amusing. "Will you scratch my back?" That is me. All the way. I am always asking Deena to scratch my back. Constantly. Philli even bought me a back scratcher to keep in my office, and I totally use it on a daily basis. I have an itchy back, what can I say?

I can't help but think of some perverted guy in the Taco Bell Marketing team snickering as he came up with this one. Am I just dirty minded? Or does this come to the minds of most people when reading a saying such as this? It could be just me. Truly. I am a true skeptic. I think most things are out to get me. Speaking of perversion and skepticism...have you seen the new AXE commercial? DIRTY BALLS?!? Oh heck. If you haven't seen it, youtube that crap. For sheezy. How do they get away with it?!?! Holler!

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