And Still counting

My Every Word

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Downtown Phoenix by my office

These shots were taken outside of my office on a Friday night. It helps to looks at the sky sometimes. As corny as it may sound, it's a mental relaxer. I feel at ease when I can focus on taking pictures. I feel as if nothing could go wrong. If the sky decides to open and up and start pouring down, the picture will look intense. If the sky decides to clear out and show the beaming sun, the picture will look peaceful and serene. And if I get lucky to catch large clouds in the sky, the picture will reflect pure unadulterated art.
For some odd reason I have always had somewhat of an obsession with powerlines and the sky. It's beautiful to me. I'm no Ansel Adams, but I can see beauty when it's in front of me.

This is a mini glimpse of the light rail in Phoenix. This train is pretty cool. I haven't ridden on it yet, but someday I will. Someone once told me that Sherriff Joe wants to transport inmates on this train. My dad flipped out. I agree with him for once. Who would want to put citizens in harms way??

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