And Still counting

My Every Word

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Fish Market

This place is pretty good. I'm not going to lie to you though....intially I did not think that this place was a restaurant. **smile** Just saying. The sushi was great. Even the oysters were great. Had I not been driving I would have had a glass or 9 of champagne. I was so full by the end of the night. I even had left overs. Rest assured those were consumed as soon as I had room for them in my tum tum.

This one is called a caterpillar roll. Obviously because it resembles a catepillar. There is not catepillar meat in there...or is there?!? The world may never know. No really. No catepillars were harmed in the making of this roll. That would be cruelty to animals or something like that.

Besides, consuming a catepillar could cause 2nd, 3rd, or 7th hand smoke. Especially if you live in an imaginary world. Thanks Alice.

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