And Still counting

My Every Word

Thursday, May 21, 2009


So yesterday I was browsing on another blog and was reading about something that Ellen was going to do, and I totally thought of my amazing ex-wife Summer. I will let you read this, and check it out if you want...I will explain further below.

Could Your Friend Use a Financial Stimulus? Ellen's Big Stimulus Package has been extended, and your friend may be the next beneficiary! If you know someone who has been going through a rough time and could use an infusion of cash or prizes, click here and tell us their story! Please be specific as to why your friend is the most deserving, and then stay close to your phone... Ellen just might be calling!

So, I submitted this for Summer. She is the one person I thought of when reading this. I love her so much. I have the pleasure of having her in my life again. I wrote Ellen a little letter, that hopefully she will get to read. Even if she's not picked. I hope she reads it.
Summer has been through more things than I could ever begin to imagine, everything from losing all of her parents to being damn near homeless. I am so thankful that I have her in my home. I want you to know S.I.M. that I love you so much. I know that good things will come your way if you give it time. Just know that I got you no matter what. I would never turn my back on you. XO

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