And Still counting

My Every Word

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Liquid Courage

More than a drink,
but I took a few sips
And let it do what it does,
now drunk textin
Like its all about you,
like I cant spend
Another minute without you
You know the drinks let you say things
You aint allowed to,
things interfere
But youre way to proud to say it out loud.

Alcohol for sure does this. It allows you to say things that you would not normally dream of saying. I get like that every once and a while. Alcohol definitely stems some liquid courage. Not just talking but actions as well. Sometimes you find yourself in a situation that you would not normally place yourself in. I have definitely done that a bajillion times. I have been a Drunky Drunkerton. I've been an FDK. (Fat Drunk Kid). Yikes. I'm outta control!! woot

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