And Still counting

My Every Word

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bagel who? Bagelful

This was beyond my control for sure. I definitely had to buy this just so I could see what this was all about. Well, it for sure was bagel bread molded into a log shape. Cream cheese was definitely in the middle. BUT. It reminds me of an extra large twinkie.

AND It is weird to have cream cheese ALREADY in the middle of this. AND there is not nearly enough. This bagelful cream cheese couldn't satisfy a lego man. A good bagel to me is one that is smothered in cream cheese, maybe butter and some jelly, or even as an egg, cheese, and bacon sandwich. This thin layer of cream cheese won't do it for me...maybe for someone who is lactose intolerant? hmm...cream cheese for thought.

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