And Still counting

My Every Word

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Margarita Monday

So last night was Margarita Monday at my house. I made some wonderful margaritas with some Jose Cuervo Silver. They were so good! My good friend Chris and her family had Margarita Monday too. So I got to take a break from the Cuervo and get some good ole Sauza. Her mom and dad gave me a hug. I haven't seen them in a minute. Even though we live in the same complex we all work crazy hours. It was good to see them both. :)

Margarita Monday was a hit, and I even got to spend some time with my good friend Jessica. We traveled North until we thought we would be eaten by wolves then made our way back to Phoenix. It was a lot of fun. Then came back to another Heavenly FK made Margarita. The night was an overall success.

If you ever want to learn how to make a Marvellous Fat Kid Margarita let me know, and I will send you the recipe. It will have you wishing that it wasn't frozen. Brain freezes are the worst. In the mean time, sned me your recipes and let me know how you make your Margaritas. I'm out for now. Woot!!

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