And Still counting

My Every Word

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I spent the night with Welch's and Mark Wahlberg

I had some folks over last night and we were listening to some of the music on TV. Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch came on with "Good Vibrations"--it took me back to my younger days when we all used to dance around the house drooling over this guy. I look back now, and I wonder...Why? lol This picture that is here is his "mean mug" pose. Mean is defined as follows: mean mug - to give someone the evil eye and to stair them down.

Now I don't know about you....but this Marky Mark Mean Mug would not even scare a newborn baby. Heart you Marky...but no. :)
There is nothing like a DDDDeeeeeelllliiiicccciiiiiioooouuussssss mixed drink. It was Foo Foo night at my house. We decided to put the beer away and bust out with some Sea breezzzeey drinks. They were pretty amazing. I would like to thank Donald Duck...who I love fondly...Welch's, and Kerns for supporting a wonderful time with wonderful people.
If you get the chance to mix these wonderful juices together with some Vodka...I promise you will not be let down. Give it try...even send me your own recipes. I'll put them on the line up. Picture please. I love my pictures. Hollery hey!!

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