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My Every Word

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Dr. Oz

Dr. Oz can apparently fix almost any "broken mirror" look. I saw this ad, and really said "huh?" This is one hell of a picture. I actually wondered if this picture was real....and if it was....what woman in her right mind would allow herself to be the poster ad for a dude like Dr. Oz?

Dr. Oz: "So uh, I have a new "respectable" product out, and I would like you to be the face on my ad.

Lady:"Well, ok...what kind of ad is it?

Dr. Oz:"Well...It's a 'you're ugly and I can fix you ad' what do ya think?"

Lady:"What are you saying Dr. Oz?"

Dr. Oz:"Well....I think your face would be perfect for this ad."

Lady:"Oh Dr. Oz that's so sweet. Of course I will be the face to your I'm really ugly ad."

Uh. Negative. This poor woman should sue this man, and get a free surgery. Or 9. Whatever helps. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure Dr. Oz is a great Doctor, but he should have been a little more picky about his choice of facial ad. Woot

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