And Still counting

My Every Word

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Life is funny. At least I'm trying to find the comedy...It's funny how certain music makes you feel a certain way...Like Stilletos by Lee Carr. And She's a Keepa by Lee Carr. Those songs catch me up in my drifting. I had a dream last night...And I am firm believer in meanings to dreams...
I had a dream that I was at a park. And there were numerous rings on the ground. I began collecting the rings almost in a frantic sense. Almost like I needed them for something...I of course looked up what the park was about, and what the ring this was about..

---To dream that you are at a park, represents a temporary escape from reality. It indicates renewal, meditation, and spirituality. You are undergoing a readjustment period after experiencing some serious personal conflict or an ending to a passionate affair.

To dream that you are lost in a park, indicates your struggles with your career, relationship, or other problem. You may feel alienated by society.
---To see a ring in your dream, symbolizes emotional wholeness, continuity and commitments. If the ring is on your finger, then it signifies your commitment to a relationship or a successful new endeavor. It also indicates your loyalty to your ideals, responsibilities, or beliefs.

To see a broken ring in your dream, indicates that your loyalty is called into question. Someone is attacking your sense of loyalty. It is indicative of disappointments and separation.
It makes complete sense. Total and complete sense. It's funny how your dreams have significant meaning. I would never have guessed that finding rings in a park would symbolize all that it does. It's crazy. But true all in the same sense. Dreams derive from your mind and thoughts. You dream every night. Whether or not you remember what you dream is a whole other story.
I'm just glad that I'm not dreaming about anything crazy like Noodles...oh yeah...there is a meaning for Noodles...check it out.

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