And Still counting

My Every Word

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Toni B. My Best Friend.

Toni. Thanks for the good times. I doubt I would laugh as much. And I wouldn't have anyone to make compact discs with. You are the bestest friend a Gil could ever have.

Orange Cream Disaster

So this one time....Phillicia spilled whipped cream all over her pants. I went to Carl's Jr, and made it back without spilling it. Within 5 seconds whhhaaaappppp!!!!! Whipped cream all over her pants...Fear not. The shakey shake part went unharmed and was consumed.

ok so...

I was out and about once upon a time...and I saw this picture in a bar. (see below) The top one is a little different from the ones that I took.

IF my friends and I were dogs that played pool, I would be the first dog (fat english bulldog), Alesha would be behind me (beer in hand, but never drunk), Casey is the one with the glasses on, Toni is the Fox looking one (holding her pool stick as if she was seducing someone with it), Christina would be the one next to Toni (because she's brown-thx Tone), Alysse would be the one with the pipe in her mouth (for obvious reasons), and Summer would be the one in the back with the pretty bow in her hair. Now this was very funny the other night, but it may have lost some of it's f

Isn't it ridiculous to think like this? I am outta control. woot!

Friday, June 26, 2009

For My BEST Friend Toni

Michael Jackson

I just can't help but think of him. I recorded like 6 hours of MTV last night. They were playing his videos and music all night long. I fell asleep with the TV and woke up to "Liberian Girl." Man, I used to LOVE that song. I mean really. Michael was such a diverse artist. He wasn't just the King of Pop. He was the King of Music.

His music paved the way for young artists like Neyo, Chris Brown, Justin Timberlake, Jay-Z, Fall Out Boy, Fat Joe....any and everyone you could think of has been influenced in one way or another by Michael Jackson's music. June 25, 2009 is a Tragic day in musical history.

Reverend Al Sharpton spoke on MTV last night...he made a statement that probably stung a lot of people. He talked about how when things were tough a lot of people turned their back on Michael. Now in his death they are here praising him. He went on to say that the people who praise him in his death should have been there when he was struggling through life. - So many people did turn their back when all the accusations went down. - To the people who don't know Michael was found NOT guilty, and I am sick of hearing jokes about his death.

Michael Jackson has forever put a dent on my life. I can't get his music out of my head, and I am happy to say that.

To Michael Jackson-Thank you for all that you have done. Rest In Peace.

To his family-Blessings and Prayers to you.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcet. Dead. June 25, 2009

Today is a SAD day. We lost Farrah Fawcet. One of the many Charlie's Angels that I would dream about. She died this morning. R.I.P. Farrah. I loved your hair.

The King of Pop died today too. Today is just not a good day. His music was phenominal. He was a little twisted towards the end, but he was the King of Pop nonetheless. The King of friggin Pop is dead. I wanna go home and watch Charlie's Angels and listen to Michael Jackson on record. This sucks.
R.I.P. Michael and Farrah

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The old in yesterday.

I took this on my way to Urgent Care. They did more for me in an hour than my on call Doctor. She was not so nice to me. But these guys were awesome. I sat in the waiting room by myself...NO ONE was there...other than nurses and 1 doctor...I waited for 15 minutes to be put in a room. No one said anything but I chuckled a little since I waited for no one to exit one of the rooms.
One of my co-workers had this gum in her desk. I asked her if it was the "original packaging" or not. Does anyone remember this gum? I barely do. This stuff is way old. But really good. I figured if I'm ever feeling nostalgic I can grab a piece and take myself back to the 50's....not that I have ever been there...but in my dreams. Syke.


Sleepy Babies

These cats could truly sleep ANYWHERE. I woke up this morning with a June bug in my sink. He is so cute. Mia is not a happy girl. I need to get her to the vet to get spayed. She is so miserable. I feel bad that I didn't get it done sooner but I didn't know her age, and was afraid they would hurt her. :(

Here is Mia sleeping on the couch. Her head is so off balance with the rest of her body which makes this picture look so odd. She is such a beautiful cat. I'm out for now, have much to do. Holler!

Choco Chewy Fun

My Buddy Philli went and got some "Choco Pastry" from Papa John's. I gotta tell you...this stuff is to DIE for. It was SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO good. It makes your mouth want to taste nothing ever again other than this delicious choco mania.

This is the aftermath. After 3 females saw chocolate. This is the kind of damage that we do as women. It's chocolate. It's like saying, 75% off of a hot new pair of shoes. Chocolate is so amazing. It calms the soul, delights the taste buds, brings friends together for choco parties, and it even gives a 3-7 minute sugar rush.
Choco Pastry. Thanks for the good times Papa John's. You have given me memories that will last a lifetime.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

80's Diapers

My sister Tawny sent me this one...she makes a very vaild point, why are 80's diapers so HUGE?? They look like Mondo Adult Diapers size XXXL. Lol I am loving the face though Tawny! You are so perty!

Hopes Dreams Wishes Prayers Lives Love Fate Destiny

The only thing that matters at the end of the day is: Do what you love, and love what you do....and not to mention Grilled Cheese. That matters. Alot. With Ketchup. Or Tomato Soup. Holler!

Margarita Rocks

Ty's Ride. Not sure why....but drunk pictures are the best...if you can't tell, I was NOT driving. I'm responsible now. Ok, at times. But I even sat in the back so I could get full panoramic views of everyone in the car. Woot. Nothing like drunk singing with Tyler on the way to Jack in the Crack.
There were quite a few Jager girls there the other night. They had the little glowy lights. I had a conversation with one of them about how amazing Jager was. She was more than willing to give up a few flashy fishy lights to me and Tyler. Needless to say we were extremely excited.
This one reminds me of the movie.."Ring" That's that only reason I posted this one. LOL
We all look so mean...except me. I was in a really good mood. I had so much fun ladies. We have to do $1 Jager shots again soon. Everyone in the Tempe area you have to check out Margarita Rocks on a Friday night. Woot!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

What City awaits me?-I'll Never tell.

I can't wait to book my flight. Tomorrow will be a wonderful day full of glee. I simply cannot wait to board my plane and get the hell out of Phoenix for a week. Then turn around and hit my favorite city for another few days. I would not want to live anyone else's life at this point. A Million points to the person who knows where I'm going. Holler hey!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Three Wolves One Moon Shirt

Now typically I do not go on amazon looking for any shirts, but this evening I was approached by a co-worker...we will call him "Stevie" for his protection. Stevie told me all about the wonders of this awesome T-shirt he claims gives him great powers with work, the ladies, and even Vegan macaroni eating.

I must admit, I was a skeptic until I read about the magical powers of this shirt. Beyond that, I saw people who have such a high influence in society, and noticed them wearing this Awesomelycoolyeah shirt. Check it out...

No one messes with Chuck Norris. When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.--he's hardcore. And he has the shirt.

PBR. Who can turn down PBR? I know that if someone came to me and asked if I wanted a PBR, I would take it. But if someone came to me with a 3 wolves 1 moon PBR I would lunge as if death was upon me for that magical shirty drink.

Elmo. He tickles easily. He even does cartwheels. But when Elmo wears a 3 wolves 1 moon shirt...I'm sure that he can operate without human hands....maybe.

Who doesn't love being Hoffed? lol This one is amazing. Thanks Hoff. If Hoff wears it, everyone should. If not, he may run with man boobs at you, and no one wants that. Ever again.
Everyone loves John. Now I know how he got all those sweet killer dance moves in the 70's and 80's. Everything makes more sense now. John you Faker.

Last but not least, Diddy. He is the true definition of a Gangster Gangster. And now, everyone will know him as the 3 wolves 1 moon gangster. He's willing to leave the bad boy life behind...he now wants to be a Wolf Boy for life...I even heard he remade on of his best songs...the lyrics are below.

I need a Wolf to ride, ride, ride

I need a Wolf to make my wife

I need a Wolf who's mine oh mine

I need a Wolf in my life

Well, I hope he gets his wish. I'm out for the night. Hit me up on email with any thoughts and renditions. Holler!!

Sunflower Nuts

Now, you would think that "Good Sense" would have some good sense when they named their little nut bags. I don't think I have ever heard of anyone calling sunflower seeds....Sunflower Nuts. Not to mention that they are roasted and salted. Mmmm...thanks GoodSense for the gross mental pic. :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Margarita Monday

So last night was Margarita Monday at my house. I made some wonderful margaritas with some Jose Cuervo Silver. They were so good! My good friend Chris and her family had Margarita Monday too. So I got to take a break from the Cuervo and get some good ole Sauza. Her mom and dad gave me a hug. I haven't seen them in a minute. Even though we live in the same complex we all work crazy hours. It was good to see them both. :)

Margarita Monday was a hit, and I even got to spend some time with my good friend Jessica. We traveled North until we thought we would be eaten by wolves then made our way back to Phoenix. It was a lot of fun. Then came back to another Heavenly FK made Margarita. The night was an overall success.

If you ever want to learn how to make a Marvellous Fat Kid Margarita let me know, and I will send you the recipe. It will have you wishing that it wasn't frozen. Brain freezes are the worst. In the mean time, sned me your recipes and let me know how you make your Margaritas. I'm out for now. Woot!!


So one day....I got a Goodnites in the mail. Iis basically a toddler night protection against leaks. These things are so big the Alysee was able to wear one. For some weird reason I get free things in the mail. Lotions, Shampoos, Trusted night time protection. I tried to get her to "wet" them just to see how good they were....but she refused. Boo.

There's my big strappin son!! She was just small enought to fit into those bad boys. They look like paper mache boxers. They were really awesome. With just enough buldge in the front, and the back to realize that they were a papmer. It was AWESOME! One last "Smack That" before she ripped them off of her with her brute strength from the Goodnites Pamper Heavens. She's my soldier. My soldier that wears Goodnites Pampers. I have no fear in her soldier abilities. Worst comes to worst she can pee pee in her pants. :)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Dos Gringos....Doesn't that mean 2 white peeps?? lol

So one night by BFF Toni and I went to Dos Gringos (2 white people) and had a few brewskis. What I LOVED about this place was you could smoke almost I am not a regular smoker. I don't need a cigarette after eating, sleeping, boo booing, sexing, flexing, bow-flexing, driving, sky-diving, toilet-papering or any other i-n-g word....just after a cold hard double shot. After those I definitely need a smokey smoke.

So instead of having to go outside on a crowded patio where more than half the bar is, I can just light up. It's amazing. And there were ample seating and standing room. Not to mention the live DJ who was spinning the ones and twos on vinyl. That's right. Vinyl. Too many DJ's these days use the CD methods to DJ. This guys was rippin hard on the vinyl. I dig that. woot.

Party Patio. This was a place that I met 2 lovely women named Nicole and Stephani. They were from the Tucson area and were looking for a fun place to chill. We got onto the concept of love, and fate. It was an interesting talk. They even asked me questions about how it was to be gay in a straight bar. I easily demonstrated how easy it is to ignore a "stud" lesbian when asking for a drink. The girls got a drink nearly 10 minutes before I did...Go figure. I laughed about it. They thought it was not so funny. But I don't care. I can go to any gay bar in Phoenix and get served right away..that's why when I go to straight bars I take Toni with me, (she can pass for straight) and we get served immediately. Thanks are the best.

So, the Party Patio was the bomb, and there is nothing like some nice burritos to wash down all the alcohol you have just consumed. Tone and I stopped by the Filibertos and got some drunk din din before going to bed. I do believe a Sausage, Egg, Cheese, Potato Burrito saved my life....or at least from a nasty hang over. Holler!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I'm Sara's Sugar Daddy

This was a nice surprise in my office today. Sara left me a sweet little note along with a Sugar Daddy. I really really like these delicious little candies. They make me happy in the tum tum. Thanks Sara you make me feel special. :)

I spent the night with Welch's and Mark Wahlberg

I had some folks over last night and we were listening to some of the music on TV. Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch came on with "Good Vibrations"--it took me back to my younger days when we all used to dance around the house drooling over this guy. I look back now, and I wonder...Why? lol This picture that is here is his "mean mug" pose. Mean is defined as follows: mean mug - to give someone the evil eye and to stair them down.

Now I don't know about you....but this Marky Mark Mean Mug would not even scare a newborn baby. Heart you Marky...but no. :)
There is nothing like a DDDDeeeeeelllliiiicccciiiiiioooouuussssss mixed drink. It was Foo Foo night at my house. We decided to put the beer away and bust out with some Sea breezzzeey drinks. They were pretty amazing. I would like to thank Donald Duck...who I love fondly...Welch's, and Kerns for supporting a wonderful time with wonderful people.
If you get the chance to mix these wonderful juices together with some Vodka...I promise you will not be let down. Give it try...even send me your own recipes. I'll put them on the line up. Picture please. I love my pictures. Hollery hey!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Gummi Bear kabob

I made a gummi bear kabob today. It was Deeeeelicious. :) It consisted of Orange and Yellow gummi bears. Typically I like the clear and the red ones...but the orange and yellow was all that was available to me.

There is nothing like a gummi bear kabob to brighten everyone's day. I think I had half the center wonder what I was doing as I pulled out a toothpick and a bag of gummi bears. I thought about setting up a little camp fire in by my desk....but with my luck I would accidentally light something on fire and we would go up in flames. **Not Cool.**

So instead I ate my gummi kabob and even offered it to some associates. The gummi kabob was a real hit. Go me. Woot