And Still counting

My Every Word

Monday, March 29, 2010


You would be seriously surprised at what you can find at the Goodwill. So many *Good* things. So every 2 weeks they have this 50% off day. Deena and I like to go and check out what they have. Well, this week we found some really cool stuff. First I found this old timey record and AM/FM player. It looks like an old ugly cabinet. And that is EXACTLY what the people of goodwill thought it was. It has the original owners manual, and the best part. It works. Record player and tuner all work. And this thing sounds awesome. I thought of my dad immediately and for $5, I bought it for him. Yes folks. $5. I searched online and found that this model is a 1968 Silvertone from Sears. Retailed at $320.

Next was this desk that someone was "trying" to re-finish. They did a great job with the top of the desk. The tiling and the grout are all in good shape. But the paint job. WOW. The desk was black, then orange, then a pink color with green flowers. Yikes. Deena saw the potential in this one. A $5 desk, and a $1 tube of paint turned this desk into this:

And this final one is just me being...well me. I found a a Gazelle in one of the goodwills and couldn't help but stop to have a quick work out. Deena almost fell on this thing, and did I, but SHhhhh! I look awesome right? I should totally bo on that commercial with that Fabio wannabe dude. We would look so cool! Hoot and Holler!

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