And Still counting

My Every Word

Monday, March 22, 2010

Bathroom Stall Stories 2

Yikes. Can you imagine being this person? I shall call you poo pants McGee. And you shall like it. Because you do not know me.
About 3/4 of your average turd is made of water? Fact of the day. So you see fecal water people? Sweet!
I cannot tell a lie. I have too. Once. It was horrible. And wasn't even my sock. double yuck.
Yay! a positive one! But what is up to the light swtich being so close to the tp? Hmm...
Yeah she is!!! Unless you are reading this are just slutty. (Who is Ann Altman) I can't wait to look on myspace.

I don't think anyone needs an anecdote from me on this one. I can say this though...I think the 2 having a conversation just became Stall Sisters. Holler

1 comment:

GreenEyez said...

And what is the difference between sucking dick in a stall and lets say the car, kitchen table or shower?? Nada damn thing! Its still simply a blow job! :)