And Still counting

My Every Word

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Wild Card for Mollie and Lisa's Engagement Party

Wild Card in Chandler has made some recent "renovations" to their women's bathroom. What you see is a toilet. What used to be was a secured door that led you to the toilet. The door had a locking mechanism and everything. From what wild carder's tell me, is that someone was trying out some new gymnastic moves on the door and *BOOM!!** CRASH!!*** POW!!!*** the whole thing came tumbling down. I hope the rumors are true...I don't think another story would do this open toilet some justice.

Bacardi Dragon Berry and Lemonade...has anyone tried this yet? I only took the picture to remind myself to try it. :)
Free beers at Wild does one achieve this? I will never tell. That is between me, my best friend, and her purse. WOOT!

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