And Still counting

My Every Word

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My closest Friends

How do you define family? I define family in a way that some do, and most don't. I didn't grow up with a large family. I don't have any cousins, or nieces and nephews. All I have is my immediate family (6 of us) and my friends.

I consider friends to be family. Why? Because the ones who have been there through everything will ALWAYS be there. It's true. I don't need to talk to these people on a daily basis. They don't need me to call and beg for their attention. They just need me to be there when they call. I was on the phone with Summer last night. She said something to me that made me realize my bond with people. She said, "Fatty, you are the one everyone goes to for advice, and for anything we need, because we know that you are loyal and will always be there." It's true. I am Dr. Phyllis in most cases, and I do give pretty good advice. I am there when people need me. It's in my nature, and I would never turn my back on a friend. I won't change that. Not for anything. This is who I am. And I can't/won't neglect a friend for any reason.

Summer-You have always had my back. You are my watchful eye, and the girl who puts me in check the most. I love you for it. I don't know what I would do without you. I know that no matter what, you will always be there. I will always be here for you. On one more bathtubs woman! lol

Casey-Mad Cow with mad cow disease. Ah. Eeep! You make me laugh. You make me think too. You never leave me thinking that life isn't all that it's cracked up to be, even though we complain like the sky is falling on our faces. I'm so glad to have you in my life. You mean so much to me. Don't ever change.

Alesha-I love you kid. We don't have to talk often, and we still have each other on lock. You are a true friend, and a homie to me. Thank you for all that you do. You know that if you ever need anything you can call on me.

Amber-You have been apart of my family for so long that I can't even count anymore. You and I have had some rough times together. I'm so glad that I can lean on you when I need to, and I'm even happier that I can be there for you when you need a shoulder to lean on. You are an amazing friend, and I thank you for knowing my heart.

Amy- You are like a brother to me. I know we don't talk as often, but I'm hoping to change that. I know life is crazy for you between the wedding, the new house, the fiance....but I'm hoping to steal some time with you. You were there for me when I needed a friend the most. I caould never begin to repay for all that you have done. I love you, and I miss you buddy.

Brandy-My dear neighbor. You have always been the one to give awesome advice as well as a laugh. You're the only one other than me that has a key to my house. I find that funny. You are an amazing woman. I know we have had some times here at The gardens. I could never put a price on your friendship. You are beyond priceless to me.

C-You are my bro fo sho. I have known you for a minute kid! Twinkie dink! I'll never forget sleeping in the closet with you, and all of our crab filled nights. Margarita nights, beer nights, and Mike Tyson nights. :) Thanks for always listening when I needed a friend.

Meg-My straight bf. I love you. You and I have been through more shit in the last 10 years than a veteran shit shoveler at the zoo. Words could never express how much you mean to me...ok maybe there are..."do you like bananas?" :) love you!

Milli-You are an amazing girl. We share a birthday, friends, and most importantly memories. I can't remember a dull moment with you. Everytime we are around each other we go into Taurus mode, and tear up the city. This is what I love about you. I can't wait until you come to visit. I have some red paint for this city!

Priscilla-You are so awesome mama. You are one of the only women who tell me EXACTLY how it is. You don't beat around the bush. If I look busted. You tell me. And I love you for that. I need that. You have a watchful eye out for me too. I don't know what I would do if I missed everything that you have seen. Thank you for being you mama. You are one of my dearest.
Tawny- You are my sister. I am so happy to be your brother. It makes me happy to have such a role in your life. I can always count on you to make me smile. I love that about you. Put it in put it in put it in what what what!?!? I LOVE that we laugh. You are a big piece of my heart. I know that we don't have to see each other for months, and when we do, it's like we haven't missed a beat. Thanks for always being there Sis.

Jamie-Every Thanksgiving, and every Christmas I know that I have a family to spend it with because of you. You have to be one of the purest people I know. You have the kindest heart. I love that even if I can't be there physically you bring Thanksgiving to me. Pie and all. Your friendship means the world to me. I miss seeing you. We should hang soon.

Megan-My jager buddy! I love that I can count on you to have some jager when I wanna get down on the flo. You know I have your back through thick and thin. Thank you for always being there. I love that we have fun! Thank you for your friendship.

Mills- My Cali kid! LA! I love you so much mama. You have my back. Ride or die. I love love love that about you. I know that if I need someone to ride with me, you are right there to go with me. I wouldn't trade your friendship for all the jelly beans and oldies in the world.

Laura-My hot blonde buddy. You give me reality checks when I need them. You also give the best advice, and the best hugs. Your humor could keep me laughing for years. I'm so glad to have you in my life. I wouldn't change a thing. I promise to do lunch. Soon. I promise.

Alysse-You are my son. You are blood as far as I'm concerned. I know that no matter how troubled life gets, that you always and forever have my back. I love you so much. We need to have some father son time really really soon. I feel like we never see each other anymore. I love you, and I will never leave your side. Promise.

Toni-You are my very best friend. I love the trust and loyalty that we share. I could never take so many trips with one person and have so much fun. You have always been my rock. You are strong when I can't be, and you keep me grounded. Your advice means more than most. I'm glad that we can sit and do nothing, and I still feel close to you. I'm so blessed to have your friendship, and I'm even more blessed to have the memories that we have. I love you. And you will always be my Right Hand Woman.


Anonymous said...

I love you too Fatty! I am glad your eyes opened! This world is big and mean, but all of us together are some tough ass bitches! Don't mess with the best! Phoenix's finest!!!


Casey Noe said...

Love you lots sheep.. And you know life is what it is even when the f'ing sky is all up in your face... honestly its all about faith my friend.. cause as bad as i have it or you have it... Someone out there just lost someone they love for good.. and death... thats the only thing there is no coming back from.. everything else is a crazy fun painful ride.

Anonymous said...

I love you Lou sooo much! Thanks for remembering me. I know we are miles apart but I'm happy our friendship holds us together like chain links. You were there from jump. I love you through and through...xoxox I effin' love you!!!


Anonymous said...

You are a phenominal writer. You never cease to amaze me with your talents. Your love for everyone in your life brings a happy tear to my face.

Anonymous said...

You have to be the most loyal and sweetest person I know. This is very cool!!

b said...

You are so awesome! I am glad to call you a family member. You mean the world to me. I hope you know that! xoxoxo

Ms. K said...

Fatty you are just awesome. I must say that your heart is golden! I enjoy your post. Keep the post dream alive!