And Still counting

My Every Word

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Arrgggghhhh!!!! Car Accident

I look like a gay pirate. I can't believe I'm going to post this, but I am. I don't care if I look ridiculous. IT explains my mood right now. so Arggghhhh!!! to the haters who think this pic isn't flattering. :)

I almost got into a terrible accident today. It scared the bajeeebus out of me. I was getting off of the 51 fwy on Indian School rd...there was some kind of liquid on the looked like water, so I didn't think much of it. Not until I couldn't stop and was hydroplaning into on coming traffic. Luckily I didn't get hit. Cars swerved out of the way and stopped just in time. This liquid was drizzled on the road all the way to Osborn rd. I fish tailed again while turning onto it. I finally stopped and called 911 to notify them of the liquid. They sent some folks out there I guess. I came into work as white as a ghost, and sweating like a fat hooker in a church with no A/C. I might just leave work early tonight. I'm not sure yet. I feel like yacking, I'm tired, and a little scared just to drive home. This sucks.

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