And Still counting

My Every Word

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Alpine AZ

This past weekend Toni and I went to Alpine AZ. It is a really small place in the Eastern region of AZ...really close to New Mexico. We went up for a weekend of tranquility, a weekend for serenity, a weekend for quiet...ok it was really a weekend to learn Mexican Train. Thanks to Toni's lovely grandmother I was able to learn the wonderful game of Mexican train. It was a ton of fun, and the place was absolutely beautiful. The weekend was a success complete with jager, beer, cap guns, and pimp hats. Woot.

This motorcyclist shared the majority of the ride with us. We left Springerville together, and even traveled into Scottsdale. He was sporting some attractive sweat pants complete with a holey T-Shirt. Stud muffin to say the least. Holler!

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