And Still counting

My Every Word

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Bologna

Today is Bologna's birthday. Xan and I made her breakfast. We made some toast from France along with eggs from garlic pepper heaven. I made some of my dark roast coffee. It was a wonderful morning. I am tired, but it is all worth it for my Bologna. Her and Xan playing in my bedroom while I'm at work. Nice bed restraints, hats, and ties ladies. I shall expect a clean room when I return...right? :P

Yeah that's right. I have a don't mess with Texas mug. woot. That French toast was
Her knights in "shining" armor. Or silver color changer from luna pic. However you prefer to say it. :)

Do you have an antacid tablet?


Amber said...

This is sweet FK. You are such a lovey bug

Lori said...

I just want to squeeze yer face. :)

Kristen said...

I heart your face. I wanna eat it up. :) So my birthday is in