And Still counting

My Every Word

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Kenny vs. Spenny

Actually this is Fatty vs. Tyler
This would be mine and Tyler's rendition of Kenny vs. Spenny.

Competition #1 was to make Xan and Toni say a certain word without dropping any obvious hints. The person who made both of them say the word first won the first competition. The word we used was the number one seller at any sex shoppe. :)

Competition #2. I picked a word for Tyler and she picked one for me. We had to say it at least once in a 2 minute period. The first one who got Toni and Xan to notice that we were saying these words over and over again lost. My word was rectum. :)

Competition #3 This competition was to see who could get Toni to talk about some "personal" time in front of her laptop watching "adult" things. Xan actually won this one. It was hillarious. Since Tyler and I both won 1 competition and Xan technically won the last we both had to do a humiliation.

Humiliation was to pretend we were cats and drink milk out of a bowl on the ground at the same time. Last night was hillarious, and Tyler is a tough competitor. I wouldn't want to pretend to be a cat with anyone else pal. lol Thanks Kenny and Spenny for being around.

And of course my cats enjoying the milk after we were done. :) Woot


Lauren said...

hahahahahahhahahahahaaha Awesome Fatty!

Shawn said...

You terd. I do like the show. They are pretty amazing. I would love to see some video. I bet you two were awesome!!

William said...

This is amazing!@