And Still counting

My Every Word

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

To Whom it May Concern:

To anyone who tells offensive racial jokes:

I was online earlier in search of some jokes to tell when I realized there were so many jokes directed at African Americans. Why is this?  I did see some "white jokes" but in no way were they insulting. One said, "What do you call a white guy on Jeaporady?-A contestant." LAME. Why is it that as a society we are so quick to judge a race. We laugh at racial jokes when in all reality we are to scared to make fun of ourselves.

I think it all comes back to a self esteem issue, or maybe just ouright incompetency. Maybe the makers of these racist jokes are insecure about their intelligence, occupation, and even size of their junk. I have never heard so many stories about employment and hanging people from trees. Who does that?

According to a study conducted by the State of Washington:
Of the 253,300 state prison inmates serving time for drug offenses/sexual based offenses at yearend 2008, 113,500 (44.8%) were white, 51,100 (20.2%) were Hispanic, and 72,300 (28.5%) were black.

Guess what else?-The sexual based crimes consisted of 24.9% white, 9.6% were hispanic, and 6.2% were black. Guess what that means? I'm sure you can figure it out. I know that I would rather live in a neighborhood where some guy got picked up for a sack of weed than a child molester or rapist.

But you can make your own decision on that one. My point to this blog is simply this: Why do we mock any race? Are we that boerd as a society? I think it's time for the makers of some racist website to do something productive with their time. Like take out the trash, specifically starting with their ignorance. I could live without it.