And Still counting

My Every Word

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


So this one time...Xan and I were in WalMart and had a cashier tell us that Jager and Tequila mixed was a wonderful mix. While we were in Vegas Xan picked up a small bottle of tequila to try this out. We mixed half tequila, and half jager. Ahem...To the guy at WalMart: EWWW!!! It was so gross that I couldn't even drink it. The smell gave off such a potent stench. I couldn't bring myself to drink it, let alone bring it near my face. To those wondering what this taste like...just don't. Or send my your horror stories via email. That would be awesome. :)


Anonymous said...

that rat bastard deceived you fatty!!!! next time try tequila ROSE and fo shizz!!!! love you! Meganlea

Fatty said...

damn right!! It was gross!! :) Good to hear from you mama!