And Still counting

My Every Word

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pneumonia GangStar

Being sick really sucks. I took my last bit of medicine this morning. It makes me sick hardcore, but I have to take it. It makes me feel like I'm going to yack on my freshly pressed jeans. Good thing I don't. That would be tragic. I was at D's over the week helping her move some of her stuff. I was sporting my mask, and my favorite gun. I'm so gangster it hurts. :) The other picture is my breathing machine. Since I have pneumonia, my lungs stick together. This little guy helps me keep my lungs open. It makes me cough like crazy, which in turn makes my head pound. Overall this experience is not the most fun, but I am getting better. And for some strange reason I am super duper excited about Christmas. Woot

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