And Still counting

My Every Word

Friday, October 9, 2009

I already know what you're thinking

I know what you're thinking. You are thinking that I have already blogged about this gift card. Well, you're right I have. But I just can't get over it. I know that Wal-Mart has everything under the sun, from power tools to lingerie. But I just can't get over the reaction on some woman's face when she opens a card from her honey and this thing falls out of the card. How do you recover from such a travesty? You don't.

I would be mortified. Nothing says Happy Anniversary like a Wal-Mart gift card. What happened to roses, cards, chocolates, and diamonds? Have we really come to gift cards where you can buy batteries and mangos? LOL I just don't understand.


Anonymous said...


TyTyLuvsKvsS said...

Dude did u just diss mangos as a gift? cuz im pretty sure u got ur bff a pumpkin from WAL MART as a gift. LMAO.

Fatty said...

lol I never thought of it like that. I take it all back. wait. no i don't lol