And Still counting

My Every Word

Saturday, January 3, 2009

sleepy time

I am a SENSITIVE being. Not the kind that cries at sunsets, reads into things, and tries to smother and baby puppies; but I am definitely sensitive. What woman isn't? - Ok. Well, I can think of a few...they will definitely remain nameless for the sake of my ears not wanting to bleed. On a lighter note...(in the words Antonio Spanderas-the gay radio voice for power 98) ANEEJUAAAYS!! I was laying in bed after Tawny and Nicole left my house, Mia decided to crawl right up to me and laid her little head against my chest. She is so small. Sometimes I forget she under 12 weeks old. Her and Junior make a pretty good team. I don't think that he is lonely anymore, and he definitely looks out for her non stop. I rolled over this morning and started to pet him, cuddle him, and baby talk to him. Mia was laying by my feet to stay warm...when I moved Mia yawned a little yawn and a very small "meeeww" came out of her. Junior immediately left me to tend to her almost as if to say, "Mom not in front of the chick!!" Ah, it's hard when your kittens decide to grow up.

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