And Still counting

My Every Word

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Diet time again

Alright so yet again I am going to venture through the dieting scene. I'm trying my best not to go out and drink with my friends like I normally do on the weekends. Alcohol has a $hit ton of calories and sugars. And if you drink Jager like I do...a ton of carbs too. It's a New Year...which of course means that I could make a ton of promises to myself that will get broken within the first 2 months of making them...OR...I could get a grip and finally follow through. Here is my intention...

1. Portion Control (6 small meals throughout my day)
2. Eating Breakfast (normally I sleep until I have to go to work and skip breakfast completely)
3. Staying away from Carbohydrates and Fat Foods. a.k.a. no Donuts from Krispy Kreme for Breakfast.
4. Start getting up in the morning (omg yikes) and either
a. start walking in the morning (when I write morning i do mean 10am.)
b. Join a Gym (like an an actual gym not a jungle gym)
5. Adding more vegetables and fruits to my diets (not allowing V8 to be my only source of veggies)
6. Stop ordering out for food (even though the vast majority of my office eats out)
7. No more late night eating (even though I am up half the night with either my friends or a good movie, I need to get my a$$ in bed for the next days events)
8. No more soda...ouch...(drinking 64 oz of water daily)
9. No more microwave dinners (these things are great on the run, but are killing me in the long hall)

That's what I have thus far. It's time to get serious about this. I'm not unhappy, or even unhealthy. I just want to feel better about myself. I would like to have a ton of energy again. I liked having those feelings, and I need to conquer this again. Wish me luck...or buy me a pineapple...(your choice)

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