And Still counting

My Every Word

Sunday, March 16, 2008

This one time at Ghettrocenter

I bought a grill...No no silly not a bbq grill...a $$grill$$...what possessed me you ask? ---I'll tell you. : ) to be funny. Ridiculously funny. One problem---I forgot to where it out (that was key to the punch line...I suck : P...) I ended up taking pictures with it instead. I have a ton more, but not as funny. I am thinking of making a "yo-yo word to your mother" video pretty soon. Alesha doesn't know it yet, but she will surely be included. I have many ideas but lack the motivation and time to carry out such an action based comedy. Maybe someday I will hit the big screen of the blogspot nation....but that not today. : )

P.S. This is my favorite hat so don't hate, and NO... I don't typically wear it like I did below. I'm no that "yo-yo word to your mother" but I though it was suitable with my $$grill$$. I just had to play that part.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omfg WOWOWOWOW lmdao Seriously?!!!

thanks lOU You made my day!