And Still counting

My Every Word

Monday, March 31, 2008

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is May 11th. : ) As unconventional as it may sound I want to do something special for the "Mom, Mama, And Momma" In my life. I know Mother's Day is sometimes brushed off as just a silly holiday, but it's one of my favorite holidays ever. I Love my mother. She is one of my best friends in the whole world. She has always accepted me no matter what I do or how many mistakes I make. I Love my Mama. She was the one to be there for me when I couldn't afford a roof over my head or food in my belly. She took care of me when no one else would. Then you have Momma. Miss Nina. The Fat Kid Crews Momma. She certainly deserves much appreciation for having to know us for as long as she has. And for having to put up with me. I certainly appreciate her for more than 900 reasons. : ) I need to figure out what i can do to show the appreciation that each one of these special ladies deserve. I'm not sure what I will do just yet, but I will be doing something. I may even kill 2 birds with one stone since Mom and Momma both live in So Cal. I want you ladies to know that you mean the absolute world to me, and that I love you more than you will ever know. Nina. I Love you. I can't get you off my mind. : )

1 comment:

Greg said...

I am a New York Times bestselling author working on a new book about mother-daughter relationships and thought you might want to contribute. Please visit my page for details about submitting stories for Mom's Little Angel.

Gregory E. Lang
Author of “Daddy’s Little Girl,” “Why a Daughter Needs a Dad,” “Why a Daughter Needs a Mom” and more.