And Still counting

My Every Word

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Bad day at school

Ok folks, here is the next poll:::::::How did this kid get in this position???

A. He's appreciates the "new chair smell"

B. He was trying to impress a girl. (Chicks like guys in submission positions)

C. His teacher put him here after he made to many fart noises.

D. He was looking for gum. (the best gum is always found under chairs)

E. He was trying to make his own "Transfomer" costume. (Chair-Imus Prime)


Joe said...

E!!!!!!!! lol go EEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

Lori said...

Lol I like the submissive ones. I'm going B. All the way B. Shut up Joe lol

Stacy said...

CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC lol where did you get this?!?

Ariel said...

I am going for "f" on this one. I think he did it to cut class. Maybe he had a huge test on fractions. :)

Gia said...

He was definitely trying to impress a girl. That's all it was. I would do something like that for someone. ;)