And Still counting

My Every Word

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Axe Deodorant

Not gonna lie...I ran out of my good stuff, and had to resort to the trial size of Axe until I can find my stash in the moving boxes. The entitlement on this fine deodorizer is "Stay dry, and focus on her"--Wait. How did the makers of Axe know that I am a lesbian?!?! This is wonderful!!!

-Ok, I'm not that stupid, however, WHAT IF, a woman used this deodorant. Would she HAVE TO focus on "her"? What if all she wanted to do was stay dry?

-Me personally, I like to stay dry, smell good, and focus on "her" (Deena). But what if some woman "accidentally" purchased this deodorant, would she feel pressured to focus on "her" ...I mean really, who is "Her" exactly? What if "her" was someone less favorable to glance upon, or what if "her" was not a her, what if "her" was a HIM? I guess "her" couldn't be a him since they clearly stated "her"...Hmm...something to ponder makers of Axe. You sure are putting a lot of pressure on folks to focus on "her"...

-All I wanted to do was stay dry... Ok fine I totally focused on "her" too. Are you happy makers of Axe? Are you happy that I did what your good smelling deodorizer told me to do?? Well you should be. I smell wonderful, and the "her" likes it too. Woot.

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