So last night I dreamed a crazy dream. It had so many odd details. Truly. I dreamed about an organ, some guys getting a sex change, Ice cream, a bible, and tithing. It was insane. So I looked up some of the meanings to see if I could make any sense of my random dream. So, here we go...
To hear or play an organ in your dream, represents your spiritual connection and religious views. The dream may also be a metaphor to represent the penis. Huh? At first I can see it. Then WHAM!! Penis. How does that make any sense?
Sexual Change
To dream about your sexuality, signifies the secrets and meaning of life. You may be dealing with life issues of birth, marriage, and/or death. Alternatively, it suggests that you are concerned about losing your sex appeal. Ah crap. I'm losing my sexy!
Ice Cream
To see or eat ice cream in your dream, denotes pleasure and satisfaction with your life. You need to savor the moment and enjoy it. It is also indicative of good luck and success in love. How funny is this? I'm having good luck with love. How you might ask? I'm single. That must be good luck. Ooh, and Abstinent. Does that count for more luck? :)
To see or read the bible in your dream, symbolizes truth, belief, inspiration and knowledge. You are seeking some form of comfort. The bible may also refer to your fundamental belief system. Perhaps you need to turn to the bible more. This is probably the best one yet. This is so true on so many levels. I like this one. Alot. In my dream I had a childhood friend from West Virginia give me a Bible as a gift. I was shocked to hear from her since it had been so many years since I had even talked to her. She also gave her tithe money???--more to come.
To see or win money in your dream, indicates that success and prosperity is within your reach. Money may represent confidence, self-worth, success, or values. I am going to Vegas soon. And all of some of these have said something about luck, prosperity, and success.....hmmm....17 Black please. :)
If anyone can make some sense of this, please do. These dreams were sporadic and really didn't go together. I can't make sense of my own dreams. This is not surprising. So I am seeking help from the outside. Any words are appreciated. :)