And Still counting

My Every Word

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

want some candy?

Now and Laters are the best thing in the whole wide world...they are hard candies similar to starburst but last 9 times longer. I was in New Mexico a few weeks ago and I bought 5 or 6 packages of these. Someone once told me that these were going away completely. Like the makers of Now and Later were going extinct. This made me sad so I bought a bunch. Care for one?

When I was a younger Now and Laters were probably the coolest candy on the block. Everyone enjoyed them, and you were considered cool if you had what seemed to be an unlimited supply of them (1-2 packages). So if you were that geeky kid with coke bottle glasses, spandex pants, and the glow in the dark Mickey Mouse T-shirts...I hope you stocked up with these bad boys to avoid torture...I know that's what saved me...btw if anyone knows where I can buy a Glow in the Dark Mickey Mouse T-shirt, will you let me know? thanks. Since I just bought 5-6 packages of Now and Laters I should be safe from any torment.

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