And Still counting

My Every Word

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Beautiful Day 2/17/09. Clouds in the sky, but not to many. Just enough to make me happy in taking a few shots before dropping Jamie off at the Airport. I miss her.

A lot happened this weekend. Too much. Found out a Friend was not really a Friend. Not because of the He Said/She said. But because of the words pouring out of her mouth. She hit on my girl while we were broken up. Tried to "fill her in" on everything I did over the weekend. What kind of friend is that? I know now, that she wasn't a friend. Just trying to find a reason to talk to my girl, and try to persuade her to leave me alone and get with her. LAME. Some people have {0} class. If I could buy class, I would. And I would put it in cheeseburgers. That way everyone would eat them....SEE!

Anyways, I love the people who are loyal to me, and always will. I thank Class filled Cheeseburgers for this joy. Love. Peace. And Classy Cheeseburger Grease.

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