And Still counting

My Every Word

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Amy and Jen's Wedding

My good friend Amy just got married this last Saturday. Her and Jen have been together for a minute, and they are so cute. Toni and I went to celebrate in this extravaganza. The wedding, the venue, the celebration was beautiful. They celebrated their union at The Wright House in Mesa AZ. BEAUTIFUL.

Toni and I scared our table off at one point. LOL We were good until the family that we were sitting with had to catch a flight home. So there we are, Toni and I at an empty table. It was hillarious. Amy even asked what happened. LOL We ended up at a table with Amy Powers, and Kim Ali. We had a blast passing around the different flavors of cake. The cake had 3 different layers, and flavors. Banana, mocha, and vanilla. All were very good. We passed them around the table to ensure we all sampled the delicious flavors.

Thanks to Amy and Jen for an awesome time celebrating. Everything was wonderful, the ceremony, delicious food, the table cards, the DJ's, EVERYTHING was great. Thanks ladies for allowing me to celebrate with you!

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