And Still counting

My Every Word

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Sabrina and I prepared for one of the biggest parties of the year Roller Derby Awards ceremony. We thought about going as Dumb and Dumber for Halloween next year. I have a ton more pictures on my digital, so you will actually get to see what we wore to the costume party. Sabrina went as a Demon, and I went as a fallen angel. We also went to Cash Inn for my good buddy Laura's birthday, and another good friend Megan. We had a blast that night. We had so much to do. We bought flowers for the girls birthdays, and ended up bar hopping the majority of the night. I also got to see my Amber which was awesome. She is engaged to Courtney. Congratulations you two!! I love you both! More pictures to come. I got a few emails from you guys saying i haven't posted in a few days. I will do my best to do a daily update!! Have an awesome Wednesday!!!

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