And Still counting

My Every Word

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Something so important

I find it almost funny that people come out of the wood works to vote this term. When it was Bush and Kerry the voting numbers were high, but not abnormal in any sense. This term there are so many people that have come out to vote. It's not even funny to look at the turn out 4 years ago, and to look at the turn out this year. This is a scary race, and for more than 10,000 reasons. We are facing an economic crisis. We have a African American candidate, and an older guy who finished 5th from the bottom at West Point upon graduation. In my opinion there is no right or wrong choice. But I do believe that McCain is the lesser of two evils. He has my vote. Our economy will change with McCain and Palin. We will go into to a deeper recession with Obama. I for one, do not want to see what was once the most powerful country in the world suffer economically any more. I have 2 parents that were unemployed until recently. Both have considered moving into my 2 bedroom condo...where I live alone. It is a scary thing. Not because my parents need me, but because the economy sucks so bad that they cannot find another line of employment. We need a change, we need to move into another direction. But not the direction of a man who won't even salute the flag. Who will not sing the national anthem. I could NEVER and will NEVER vote for a man who is so unpatriotic. McCain is older. That is not always a downfall. It means he has experience. Wisdom, and more common sense than a younger candidate can offer. I can almost guarentee that Obama will win. He is the more popular candidate. But that will not stop me frfom thinking that we are heading towards a world of hurt.

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