And Still counting

My Every Word

Thursday, December 31, 2015

My brain keeps turning

The city continues to call my name. I keep thinking of new ways to handle 2016. I've had so many things on my mind. What happens if Darlene's vision worsens? What happens if our obligations outweigh us? What happens if Darlene no longer has health insurance? Is mine sufficient for her needs? A thousand questions pass through my mind every single day. I keep remembering that God has a grip on us. He has the answers, the knowledge, the plan. I don't. I do my best to give all the worry and doubt that I have to Him. I admit that it's hard, but we do it because there is no other choice.

I want 2016 to be different. I want things to change for us in a positive direction. I am more than willing to work for it. I have spent the majority of this year preparing us for the future. We paid off $20,000 worth of debt. That's more than most people can handle in several years. I have my budget planning skills to thank for all that. I want to do more. 2016 I want to do another $20,000 and set us up to be in a position to own a home. A nice home. An amazing home. A home that my wife will love and a place where our daughter can be raised.

I know that all things are reachable. This year will make it a serious challenge. Darlene not working has always been fine with me. It will make it harder to hit 20k, but her health is my #1 concern. The money means nothing if she can't be here or see what's happening.

I have some new ventures that I am considering for the new year. With Etsy nation and Pinterest, people have made it easier to sell goods online. I want to start 2 things and see where each one can head for us.

1. Dog treat business. Obviously this would be small scale and sold likely to people that we know. However, these would be organic and non preservative/chemical based treats. Vitamins for improved health and yummy treats. 3 sizes.

2. Wine bottle lamps. Customized per order. Too many ideas here to list.

If you're reading this, do me a favor. Pray for my wife. Pray that God continues to lead us to where we need to be and pray that He heals her vision woes. Please.

I hope that all of you have an amazing 2016 welcoming. Darlene and I will be in Las Vegas to ring in the new year and to see her brother get married. Safe travels. Make a goal this year. And reach for it. You can do it!

Monday, December 28, 2015

The 12 month Experiment

The last 12 months for my wife and I have been absolutely chaotic. One thing has remained true for us, we love each other and that has only grown with the challenges that continue to be presented to us. As some may already know, Darlene has been struggling with her vision. Right now she has about 30% vision, and if you really take a moment to think about what that would be like you would see how challenging this year has been. There were some major accomplishments too! RJ is now in 5th grade, we got married in August, we paid $20k worth of debt in 2015.

This means that 2016 will have a lot in store for us too. Our goal is to handle another $20k in debt bringing our DTI to a more than acceptable range. It would only leave us about $15k worth of student loans which will be easy to consolidate. I plan to provide for my family in a way that is not only unconventional, but unique and out of the box.

Darlene's vision concerns me. There's no lying about that. My first instinct was to max out the credit cards and take her all over the world. She's too humble for all that. Instead I talked her into a 12 month Experiment. This means that every single month Darlene and I, and occasionally the kiddo too will be abiding by the following:
  • Take a 3 day weekend toad trip.
    • Destination to be determined by draw. That's right. By draw. Granted most international travel will be reserved for Spring and Summer, the wintery like months will be in the states.
  • We can fly, we can drive, we can train.
    • No 2 trips can be the same. You heard that. If we drive to LA, the next time we travel, it will be by plane, train, or greyhound.
  • No 2 same destinations. If we travel one month kid free - the following will be with the kid. Family time. The scenery, the loves of my life out and about with yours truly.
  • 25 picture minimum and I don't mean to ruin things, but this won't just be a #selfienation 25 pictures.
  • Fun- Love- and Map connecting.
    • I bought a map of the US earlier this year with plans to string the places we have been with dates. This will add to our map.
  • See things that we have never seen, do things we have never done, and soak in every single bit of joy and beauty that they eye can see and the skin can feel .
I'm excited for this adventure. I wish that I wasn't asking to start it based on her vision, but better late than never. I cant wait to continue our path with God leading our way. Thank you Jesus for almost another year!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Have you ever been influenced or inspired by someone who had no intention of doing so? I just had a conversation with a woman that I work with.  She was doing her make up in the bathroom and made mention that her electricity was out since 330am. In the process of telling me about her morning routine she said that all of Cave Creek was out and that she lived on the very North end. If you're a Phoenician, or have been to that part of Arizona, you know and understand that the area in which she lives is very very nice. Deserving of two "very's".

I don't think she had any intention of inspiring me, but she absolutely did. Over the course of the last year Darlene and I have been faced with challenge after challenge. Health mainly. My concerns have risen higher and higher with concern as to how I can continue to provide the lifestyle that we deserve to have. I'm not an expensive person, I have a very tight budget which we stick to for the most part. We really strive to ensure that everyone in our lives are taken care of too.

I have had this idea for over a year now. Piecing it together is always so much work. Here's the idea. Receiving unwanted items and finding ways to improve them for resale. In most cases people ditch what they can't use anymore or has been beaten by the sun. What if I took the time to reverse those effects or worked to find ways to revamp old items? I think it's worth it. Granted materials can be expensive. Just depends on the job. The bbq smoker paint was $9. It brought this thing completely back to life. The tricycle had to be done in several steps. remove the seat, the box in the back which was originally yellow. Lots of painters tape too. Spent roughly $3 on fixing this and was sold for $15. The chairs sold with a table that was painted similarly. All the table needed was screws. So to paint and fix those cost me $4 and the 2 chairs and table sold for $25. The ugly brown cushion chairs were a hot mess. When I received them I was wondering what on earth to do with them. Reupholstering them was super easy. So was the paint. Cost roughly $4 and sold with a table for $30. The entertainment center below was great. Loved that thing. Ended up giving it to a coworker who had a daughter that needed one.

Either way, this is my idea. Find items that are of LOW cost or free- fix - and recycle for profit. Problem here, I don't have a retail store. I don't have a space for items like this that would 1. Keep them protected (AND) 2. Keep me from feeling like a clutter maniac.
Here's my big big thought. What if- For an entire year - I worked to fix items. When making a profit, I put the money away and did not spend. Could I do something amazing with the money? Save for a home? Purchase a car? Provide for my little family. I think the answer is yes, and I also think that the possibilities are endless too. I have a semi creative mind, and I also have a patient wife who gives me honest feedback about my ideas.
So here we go. 2016 will mark the year of the fixer. The creative. The profit keeper to determine how far I can take this. Wish me luck!