And Still counting

My Every Word

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Just So I'm understood

I have totally lost touch with new music. This makes me sad. I have no time at work to research all my favorite sites in search of the newest and most amazing music. Boooooooo. Ah, job security. I love it. I shouldn't complain. I would like a new laptop though. Think someone would take 2 REALLY old and broken ones for half off a new one? Yeah. I wouldnt either.

Either way I need to find a way to keep my phone from dying. I mean holy cow. An 8 hour day and my phone is as dead as a doornail. Sucks, but it's a small price to pay to have the internet at my beckon call. My old phone would take 5+ minutes just to sign into FB.

Speaking of FB. It has slowly become all the things that I disliked about myspace. Another boooo for FB. If I didn't have people on there that I love I would delete it. I'm not for putting all my biz-nass out there like most lesbos do. No one needs to know my personal business. So many people put it all out there for everyone to see.

For instance:

"Just got a tummy tuck. Man I look good! Time for some bikini pics once my bruising dies down!"

Really?-I mean I get that you're proud of how you look, but does EVERYONE really need to know about how you recently had skin tucked so that you weren't so subconcious about your appearance?

How about this one:

"F---ing B----! I can't believe my soon to be EX gf really thinks she can treat me like this!" Sent 3 minutes ago.

" I love her so much. She's the sweetest woman I have ever know. I love you pookie" Sent 32 seconds ago.

Really? NO ONE needs to know about your bi-polar roller-coaster.

Can you tell I like to hyphenate? It's because I write words the way that I would say them. My apologies. I promise I'm not an idiot. Most days.

Case and Point. If you want to share your bi-polar roller-coaster with the world that is your business. Just not my cup of tea. I just don't need to know alllllla that. Halla. Thanks FB you are the NEW myspace.


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