And Still counting

My Every Word

Monday, April 12, 2010

Expired Milk

I will not say who this milk belongs to....but I will say this: I found this on April 8th. If you look at the expiration can see that it is March 15. Someone (we will call her "X") or X, opened this milk jug in attempt to pour out the contents. I warned X that the stench may be horrifying. I was correct. X opened the lid for a mere 4 seconds, and was gagging at the smell of this very expired milk. Note to self: Do not smell the smelly milk. The smell may make me gag. Note to all of you: Throw out expired milk on the due date! Do not wait. It's stinky! :) Hoot!

1 comment:

GreenEyez said...

OH MY GOSH! Thats my kitchen! Ha-Ha!!! Soo000o, we had a new milk up front and had just not gotten around to throwing the old jug away!