And Still counting

My Every Word

Friday, December 4, 2009

HCG Day 6

Holy cow! This diet really is amazing. I have lost 4.5 pounds in 4 days. This is pretty amazing. I still want food pretty bad, and am often hungry. I really want Mexican food. Is that weird or what? I want spicy, I want hot, I want cheesey, I want Mexican food. BAD. But I can't eat it, so chicken, fish, and veggies for me. This will be worth it in the end...right? Of course it will.

I ate chicken and brocolli for lunch, and Shrimp and brocolli for dinner. Followed by some peanuts for protein. I can't wait to stop seeing a 4 letter word on my scale. Woot.

1 comment:

Jenni said...

You should put up pictures of yourself for every 10lbs lost. Like same spot - same outfit style.