And Still counting

My Every Word

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Day 7 of HCG

I had some Halibut and asparagus this afternoon. It was amazing. So good. This evening I had crab, and tomatoes. Sounds like an odd combo right? Well, I was craving it for some reason, so I went with it. Ooh and I had a piece of melba toast. I feel so good today. I have lost a total of 6.5 pounds in 5 days of restrictive dieting. I feel amazing, energized, blessed, optomistic, and cocky. Let's not forget cocky. Cocky is such an odd word...isn't it?? I think it is. C-o-c-k-y. It sounds funny. Spell it out loud.....No seriously. Do it. For real. Do it. Or I'll start every post with the word Cocky....ok I won't do that. And I'm sure you knew that too. I can't bluff for anything.-- COCKY!!! Woot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That crab looks gnarly..
Glad you enjoyed it.