And Still counting

My Every Word

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Ontario and Hollywood

Jamie came with me to see my mom this past Christmas. She got to meet my mom as well as her boyfriend Mick. I love them both. My mom is the best woman I know, and she is so supportive no matter what I want to do. Mick is the comedian. The funny know it all guy. He's smart, he's traveled, and he's good for my mom. Jamie had never seen California before. Only in pictures and in Movies. I thought it would be a good idea to take her. We made last minute plans while we were still in New Mexico. I offered, and she said "Oh My God, yes!!" Her parents were excited for her too. We also went through Hollywood and Los Angeles with one of her friend Melissa. We got to go through the Wax museum which at times looked incredibly real. We had a good time. We drank a little throughout LA and Hollywood. Ran into crazy folks as always, even bought a newspaper from the LA Times. It was a good trip. The car ride back was MOST memorable. But I can't share those details on here, that is between Jamie, myself, and the road. (GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER PERV).

We also ate at my FAVORITE burger joint. It's only found in Southern's called Bakers. All their meals come in "Mama" or "Papa" sizes, all depending on how hungry you are. I ate there when I was younger, and for some reason could never really find a burger that is as good as Bakers. Jamie and I spotted the first Bakers on the way to Ontario off of Sierra Ave. I was no where near hungry, but just the sight of the sign drove me off the road and into their parking lot. Jamie had a "Mama Mex plate" and I had a "Papa Meal." This burger joint is enough to make this Fat Kid die of cardiac arrest.

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