And Still counting

My Every Word

Friday, December 19, 2008

New Mexican Extravaganza

These are pictures from my trip to New Mexico. We partied, and pretty hard too. I think I didn't get to sleep until 4 or 5 am one night. Marlene and I stuck to that Jager like a fat kid on free cheescake on a Tuesday. Thank God we had some red bull or I may have been either A: extrememly intoxicated or B: hung the eff over. By the end of the night we were drinking Hypnotiq and Vodka. There were some beer left, but I think everyone was to drunk to even care. The majority of the pictures here were shot at complete random...if it looks like we were posing, we may have been...or it could be the perma grin from the nights events. Ya never know...All I know is that Jager+Me+New Mexicans= A good Time for Everyone.

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