And Still counting

My Every Word

Monday, July 12, 2010

Super Kitty!

I was in the living room one night (probably knitting or playing the Kazoo) and saw Junior looking anxiously outside the window. Little did I know he was (doing kitty aerobics) chasing a moth like a lion on a zebra. As I watched in amusement I kept thinking to myself...this is EXACTLY why I won't allow him on the balcony. We are 16 floors high, and he might feel like superman one day and fly off of the balcony trying to catch a fly. I like laughing at him. No balcony for you Super Kitty.

Oh yeah and I shaved him too. :) I normally have a groomer do it, but he is so passive. I figured I would give it a shot. Well, it paid off. This lil dude is shaved, and lookin fly as ever! Hoot! As you can tell from the 2 pictures, he looks like a whole new kitty with his hair shaved. At least Deena can stop sneezing ever 30 minutes now. She can start sneezing every 33 minutes instead.

Special thanks to my BFF Toni Bologna. She allowed me to use her clippers to make this pretty kitty less furry. Thanks BFF! Junior loves his new hair cut, and I am certain that he will have a special thanks just for you. So bring your purse over, and he will barf on it like he does Deena's purse. :) Holler.

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