And Still counting

My Every Word

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I'm cute

Not in the my face is handsome kind of way, but in the let me do something nice for you because I'm a jerk face and I love you so much and hope that you will take my kindness for all that it is kind of way. :) woot. So I will tell you what I did...visual aid included of course.

Action 1--I put a note on Deena's car. The note entailed a map to Indian Steele Park. I told her to not ask questions, and to text me when she arrived at the Park.

photo of Indian Steele Park by Chris at PBase.

Action 2--I told her to find my truck, and read the note on the inside. The note reads "D, Find a bridge. <-" this is my pathetic excuse for an arrow. Bare with me folks, I can't draw to save my life. :)
Action 3- Find the bridge with a single peach rose. And look to your right.
And boom. There I was. a dozen "orange" (they're really peach) roses, deli sandwiches, sliced fruit, her favorite orange soda, and a sign that says "Will work for your love."

Am I cute yet? I hope so. I'm trying to make her see that I love her.

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