And Still counting

My Every Word

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Chicago=My Milli

My good friend Milli lives fairly close to Chicago and has been asking my best friend and I to come out there. I'm going to take the time. She works for an airline and can get some buddy passes for free. I figure September or October will be a nice time to go out there and chill. I'm gonna need a huge jacket though. Some beanies, gloves, ear warmers, boots, long legged underwear...ok probably not all that, but a heavy jacket for sure. I'll be clearing my memory card soon for that trip. Milli you are an amazing friend, and I love and appreciate your words. I'm so glad that we met the way we did, and I'm even happier to share a birthday with you. I cherish all the times we have had together. Memories that will never leave my brain. I'm so glad to call you friend after all these years. You know I got your back love. No doubt. XO

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