And Still counting

My Every Word

Friday, October 31, 2008

Some things in my head. Can you comprehend?

In all essences that maturity has bound. I still feel stupidity and contained to a habitat. I feel as if I squandered myself control for the wishing of an emotion that was once foreign to me. Once I gain control of my nature my tears still fall for they have no reason to stop. I find myself resembling a child. One who needs the nurtuing and comfort of a mother. It's then I realize how lost my childhood really was. No one to blame but my own inhibitions and my rush to not be vulnerable with my childhood. The memories that remain are dismal and barren. They lack essence and compassion. I stand in self realization that my childhood never began because of the conformities I have forced upon myself.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008

My Beautiful Godkids. I love you Austin and Chris

Every once and awhile I have the opportunity to hang with these 2 little gents. They are very near and dear to my heart. I love them to pieces. I picked them up last night after work, and took them to my house for a slumber party. We watched movies until they fell asleep. I though that I would catch a few pictures of them while they spent time with me. I love you boys!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Princess Num-ChuckYardsale-Sign--by popular demand

Once upon a time....far far away there was a princess warrior named Shahada. She was brave, and strong, and knew how to defeat her enemies quickly, and effectively. One Misty's....Shahada diffused a fight using her yard sale num-chuck fighting skills. As you see in the first picture she is showing the enemy the skills that she posseses with her deadly yard sale sign. She displayed much athleticism with this deadly weapon. I was nearly frightened to tears when she screamed out her "num-chuck-yardsale-war-call." It started off slow, and soft....then became an extremely loud ROAR. She was infuriated and ready to use her deadly weapon....before she used her deadly yardsale sign weapon, she SCREAMED her "num-chuck-yardsale-war-call," She screamed...."YARD SALE BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I do believe that everyone that was around was astonished at her war call. It brought me to my knees, along with most people who were there. Her opponents cowered at her war cry, and vowed to leave the premisis immediately. Her opponents knew at that very moment how advanced her "num-chuck-yardsale fighting skills" were, and knew that they would be no match for the princess yardsale sign warrior. If you look at the next picture, Shahada claims her defeat by blinding her opponents car. She left her war sign behind to remind the people that tried to fight her, what she was all about. Thank you brave Shahada for your num-chuck-yardsale fighting skills, and your wonderful war cry. Without your skill, we would not be able to live happily ever after.

The End


He's a cutie. I couldn't ask for a more loving cat. He's my bubba. He sleep so soundly. He's completely photogenic. I just love it. The las picture he wasn't to fond of, but he tolerates me because he loves me. I need to get him snipped soon. I have a second bedroom that I wouldn't mind opening the doors to without him getting any ideas.

on the freeway

I was driving to work on the freeway, and I saw this truck. I just had to snap a picture of this thing plainly for the name. The "Ditch Witch"-wow. That is a catchy name. If I ever need a ditched cleared, I will be sure to call that Witch.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


I just love this stinkin cat. I have no idea how he sleeps like this, but he does. lol

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Me getting dressed

I think I look like my friend Mindi right here. Ha! I was getting ready for my first date with Jamie. I took her to Red Lobster for some good eats. She made me crack her crab legs for her. It was the cutest thing ever. The middle picture is me stadning in my mirror. The note on the mirror was for her when she arrived in AZ. I thought it would be a nice touch to welcome her back.

Junior and Milo

Junior and I were watching Milo and Otis one night. He was totally caught up. Milo had him completely mesmerized. I thought it was funny.