And Still counting

My Every Word

Monday, February 25, 2008

A bet that I just CANNOT pass up

Ok so last night I was sitting at home telling Nina that for once I didn't feel like drinking, and she didn't think I could do it. So, I bet her that I wouldn't drink for an entire week. The stakes being A Full on Date. She wants putt putt golf, dinner, ect. I want a home cooked meal, dessert, a movie, ect. Alright so day one has been accomplished, and like usual i was bragging about it on the phone with her, and she decided to raise the stakes....ONE month of FULL sobriety. (yikes!!!) Pride bound I accepted, but now I have to figure out the stakes. I think I have the perfect plan, but I won't tell her until it's all over. hhmmmm....yup. I got it. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WTF is it? Grrrrrrr.....