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My Every Word

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Let's talk about bookstores

I just want to point out how in retrospect these two should not be this close. The beginning aisle was "Dating" Ok, then "Marriage" Great! Then............"Divorce" WHAAAT?

So why do this? Theory 1 Here are my theories: For people in denial. They are contemplating Divorce. The section is designed to have marriage books close by, that way if you run into your nosey next door neighbor you can pretend you are picking up a book about successful marriages or how to spice things up when they are "already hot."

Theory 2

They are to make people CRAZY. I for one would go absolutely bonkers if I saw this. Maybe I was reaching out. I needed a book to make me feel better about a Divorce. So I find the aisle only to find all the fluffy nice books about marriage and soul mates and blah blah blah. How torturus! I mean really though. I think I would want to push the entire stand over to show my dismay. All the "great memories" of the marriage come flashing back. Then you're filled with this empty feeling because you're there to look at a Divorce book. AWESOME. Nice going Barnes and Noble.

Theory 3

They are distinctively placed their to talk people out of getting married. Maybe you're young. And wanting to make sure that the one is really the one. What's right next door to your fluffy marriage books? Guides to a speedy Divorce. And probably a complimentary coupon on a Lawyer.

I don't know about you, but if I ever see a woman coming out of Barnes and Noble crying, I think it may be because of this. OR the new Harry Potter was sold out. Whatevs. Halllla

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