And Still counting

My Every Word

Friday, June 10, 2011

Life update

Dear Blogspot,

I know that I have neglected you like an old toy that I left in the yard to get sun bleached. I apologize. Things have been ca-razy. Deena and I took a seperation to get things worked out between us. This has proved to be effective. During this time we have sold the armoire, the couches, and other bits and pieces of our place. We have also almost entirely moved out of Landmark Towers. This is very sad. This place has an AMAZING view. I will miss it.

I am moving into my new place this weekend. Still house hunting a bit. Deena and I would like to move into out own home. Get some real estate and start a family. Paying off bills is so much fun. Boooo. I want a grant or a large sum of money to fall into my lap, but who doesn't? I don't know anyone who would turn money down.

My BFF and her lady are having a baby. Chance August Barlow. Holy cow. A baby! Xan looks more preganant every time I see her. She is in her 3rd trimester. Toni and I plan to have a yard sale within the next few weeks. We gon' get RICH! j/k. lol I think it's time I get rid of one million items from my storage unit. The time has come. My first apartment from 2003 is in there. That's right. It hasn't seen the light of day in 8 years. Why I held on this long is still a mystery.

Deena got a brand new job. Holy cow. I know she is super relieved to be appreciated. Her last boss appreciated her only when it directly benefited him. I think her new boss will be the change of pace that she deserves. She spent 3 years miserable at her old job. It was a resume builder though. Without that experience she probably would not have received this call from her new job.

Coco is getting bigger. Taught her how to roll over last night. She is so effin cute. She has been a good listener too. (Yes, I talk to my dog). She is truly the cutest floooofer I have ever encountered. She needs to be spayed. asap. and a new kennel asap. Ah, so many things to do.

Well, work is busy. Holy cow busy. I have 6 annual reviews to write, and 21 development plans. Then I go on vacation. It always seems that I am crunching in work before I take a vacation. Or in this case, a staycation. Well, I should really get back to work now. Halla if you need me.


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